behind the mastermind

not me... cause i'm already dead, you see

martes, septiembre 20, 2005

y el ciclo queda cerrado. me he cambiado de casa y sin decir una palabra más, me llevo mis quejas, mis obsesiones, mis frustraciones, mis pesadillas y todas esas palabras que no deberían abandonarme jamás.

a ti no te llevo conmigo. tampoco te digo donde estaré. siempre sabrás cómo encontrarme, una parte de mi se quedará en los lugares conocidos, en los sitios donde hay luz.

la parte oscura, la que a veces aquí se asomaba, esa me la llevo. la tengo que esconder en otro sitio. debo sofocarla, y quizá desaparecerla.

gracias por venir.

been there, done that, have the t-shit.

don't follow me. go back right from where you came from. besos.

jueves, septiembre 08, 2005


the body or the mind

(¿cuál quieres?)

(más información aquí mismo en breve)

the fact that you can drive doesn't make you a nascar driver, does it?
the fact that you can write doesn't make you a writer, does it?
the fact that you can check oil and change a battery doesn't make you a mechanic, does it?
what are you doing? what are? are you something at all?
what am i? do i exist at all?
we are all pretenders. we all think that we can do whatever, any time, always.
the fact that i write this blog doesn't make me a blogger, does it?

i don't have much respect for people without a hint of originality. i also despite individuals that take my ideas and want to share them as their own. not even giving some frickin' credit.
yeah! your idea is cool. i want to use it.

if i haven't done it yet it doesn't mean i don't like it.

viernes, septiembre 02, 2005

how much are you willing to spent to get me my piece o' mind back?
poetic justice - an outcome in which virtue triumphs over vice (often ironically).
i would keep one thing in mind. everything, all that's happened to me, every drop of pain, each and every moment of despair... all the thing's i've endured... everything... you will have it back in spades. i promise you. no. it's not revenge, darling. it's just pj...


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