behind the mastermind

not me... cause i'm already dead, you see

jueves, septiembre 08, 2005

i don't have much respect for people without a hint of originality. i also despite individuals that take my ideas and want to share them as their own. not even giving some frickin' credit.
yeah! your idea is cool. i want to use it.

if i haven't done it yet it doesn't mean i don't like it.

Whenever you feel stuck with your article writing and are facing the typical writer's block, you should go with the 'brain dumping' method where you write as fast as possible without thinking twice. When it comes to breaking through blocks like this, speed writing is something that you can use to write down everything that you are thinking about. The grammar, spelling, and all other things related to proper writing will be ignored - just write fast and furious! The only goal here is to put every single thought related to your article's topic on paper - you'll actually be surprised to see the results once you're done. Later on, you can use re-structure and proof read this article to make it presentable.

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Recall that speed article writing is a learned skill that almost everybody can do, we are thinking.

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